Thursday, March 5, 2020

Filming: We Finished

     It took us about two, maybe three days to film the entire script. Being able to only film for a few hours every day really aggravated me. I wanted to be able to have more time to edit. On the first day of filming, I was mainly focused on getting done as much as we could because I knew we only had a few hours. During the whole process, I had to make sure that somebody was talking pictures during every scene. We had to shoot each scene at least three times so we had a higher chance for no re-shoots. We also had to go over every scene off camera and practice it a few times before shooting. The whole process of actually filming felt like it took forever. I got frustrated a lot during this process for many reasons. One would be that Camila would be late or be leaving early. Another reason was because it would take us so long to get the scene right, or when we actually filmed it, we were good but one thing was off and it ruined the entire shot.
     Even though it took forever, it was still really fun. I got to tell everyone what to do and say. I decided how everything was going to be set up. Even though it wasn't cinema ready, it was still fun to put certain angles in for different scenes and try out different angles for the same scene, like the have in the real movies. Working with Camila, it felt more like she just wanted to be an actor who had authority, not a director. Which was fine because I wanted to be the director anyway, but it always felt like she was getting in the way. I told her that we would follow the storyboard exactly and change it in re-shoots, but she didn't want to do that. I know that she's my partner in this project, but when I want something done right, I want to do it myself.

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