Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Title Design

     This is the title design power-point for our project. We first discussed the title fonts, which took us forever because we wanted different fonts. There were three different fonts that we finally agreed upon. We then discussed the title contrasts and how they would vary depending on what was being said. We chose the colour, backdrop, size, and spacing for our titles. We had a lot of title ideas, but finally landed on one. It took us awhile because we both had very different ideas about what the title should look like and include. Most of the title ideas were related to money or a pizza girl because we decided that those were the most important aspects of the movie. The title that we chose was Butterbean because it stands out from all the other titles, it being the main character's name and she being the reason the stalking started. Lastly, we discussed our title movements, which didn't take us that long because we had a pretty good idea about what we wanted the titles to look like as the moved within the scenes.

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