Sunday, October 6, 2019


     On Thursday, in class, we finished watching a clip from Mr. Robot and analyzing it for our first practice test. I realized that I am not good at that and need practice, I also need to study my vocabulary for that. Since it was my first practice test, I didn't do as well as I would have hoped, but with practice and time, I should be able to get it all correct. Since it's the beginning of the school year I have time to study and work on what I need to. We went over the four things that make good scenes, mis en scene; lighting, angles, and sound.
     I found sound and mis en scene to be really easy. There were many sounds that most people overlook and pass it off as normal sounds. Even I used to pass them off as normal when I would watch T.V before. Things such as the cars honking as they drove by or the sound or a trail on the railroad would get passed off as normal sounds, being about to point them out made me feel like I was actually learning in that class and not just doing the work to get the grade.
     Mis en scene was another thing that I found easy to find. In any movie, there will be costumes, even if its normal clothes, because many of those outfits would suit the character and their personality. Another part was setting which was also easy because whether it takes place in space or a hundred years ago, there will always be a time and place for every film.
     This class has opened my eyes to a new world on the creation of media, and the test let me know how much I really knew. I'm looking forward to being able to pinpoint everything about the scenes by the end of the year and increasing my knowledge on these topics. Being able to watch any film, clip, or scene and pick out everything is definitely something I look forward to. 

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