This week was hard for me to do anything regarding school. My mum wanted to go see family (yes, during a pandemic) this holiday, so she took the week off and forced me and my brother to go with her. In the chaos of the morning, I forgot to pack my computer to take with me. That being said, I didn't get any homework done, unless I borrowed a family members computer for the five minutes I had to myself.
This also means that I didn't get to film, since I was away. I would have been able to get most of my shots, if not all of them, this past week, if I had the chance to stay. That being said, I have to plan around it.
I also have to plan around the fact that my family that we visited is a bunch of rat lickers. (This meaning that they refused to wear a mask and/or social distance. This term was used during the plague when rats were the start of it all. Rat licker being coined as the people who carelessly spread diseases.)
Now, while I did take my own precautions, wearing a face mask everywhere, even to sleep, and staying as far away from everyone as possible, I did still struggle when it came to meal time. I figured since it was outside and I still had the option to sit farther away from others, it wasn't too bad.
This pictures of me without a face mask and very close to some family is because my aunt insisted on getting a picture with me in it. She threw a fit about me wearing a face mask the entire time, unless I was eating. She also got mad that I was sitting so far away from everyone, making it hard to get me in pictures. I figured one picture wouldn't hurt.
I am taking further steps into insuring my coworkers safety's by getting testing for the next two weeks as well as self isolating. This won't be hard as I am a hermit anyway and pretty much live in my room, on the other side of the house, away from everyone.