Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Project

      I began the class after it already started, which put me behind in the notes. I only started taking the class in the beginning of the year because I needed another AICE class. At first, I was really bored because we weren't doing anything that I thought was good. After a few weeks, we were told that we would be getting our first project. I was excited but also worried at the same time because I didn't know what to expect, but it was actually really fun. Six months ago I would have been struggling to write a blog and figure out what I needed to do. Now, it's like, we're told what we're doing and what are limitations are, and I get to work. I started working with Camila when we got our first project and found out that she is a really good partner. I also found out that we came into the class on the same day and I found that really interesting. I can see her progression through the year and I have high expectations for her if she wishes to peruse a career in film directing.

     Throughout the year, I have learned an insane amount of information that I never thought I would have ever known or wanted to know. I learned about editing, and how to do it on a professional level. I learned how, when, and why directors shoot films in certain places and times. I also learned how much fun being a director is. Since I love to write stories, I feel like I basically took what I already love to do and I put it into real life. For our final project, I am very excited to be doing everything. I love the research because I'm basically watching a lot of television for homework. I'm excited to storyboard because I love planning everything out. I'm excited for pre-production, production, and post-production because the entire movie making process is so much fun and so interesting to me. 

     To define 'pitch'; "it's a Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less, usually with one sentence." 
     Our first pitch is a story about a girl who stole another girls' boyfriend. What she didn't know was that, this now single lady holds grudges like no other. Now she will come back to ruin her life. 
     Our second pitch is about a girl named Lucy, a home-schooled, C-average girl, as normal as could be, never expected to be so extraordinary. She will have to battle her magical future while stepping back into her cursed past. 
     My group's final pitch is a story about a girl who starts college in a new state to get a fresh start. She soon falls for the 'bad boy' and struggles to balance school and work. She soon realizes that this could be her worst mistake yet. Will she drop her bright future for the bad boy'.

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